Well, my mind has been full of things I need to do, and at times it gets a bit overwhelming starting a business for the first time, but I have to remember to take it one step at a time. Yesterday I purchased the cargo van that I will be using to take me and my equipment to the events. Today I got the thing insured which is always fun, and tomorrow is exciting because I will be having a couple great friends of mine helping me do the photo shoot so that I can put some awesome pictures up on the website.
Business cards are on their way as well. So, there are a few things left until I'll be up and rolling, but this week is about being thankful, since Wednesday is thanksgiving. I couldn't be more thankful this year. I'm getting married to the best girl in the world in less than a month, and I've been blessed in the starting stages of this business venture. Well, I pray that everyone has an enjoyable holiday and has something to be thankful for as well.